The Site of Not

Monday April 18, 2016 – 7pm

The Site of Not

Fabien Giraud & Ida Soulard in conversation with Kodwo Eshun and the Theory Fiction seminar

HEAD, Boulevard Helvétique 9, 1205 Geneva, seminar room CCC, salle 27, 2nd floor

Image: Fabien Giraud & Ida Soulard, The Marfa Stratum, 2013, lecture and performance at the Marfa Book Company.
Image: Fabien Giraud & Ida Soulard, The Marfa Stratum, 2013, lecture and performance at the Marfa Book Company.

“In this talk, we will introduce our individual research and collaborative projects through the recurring notion of “site”. Since their historical emergence in the 1960s, site-specific practices and discourses have become a normative framework and a standard of evaluation for any artistic gesture. Constructed as a practical and conceptual tool that once aspired to artistic and political emancipation, it now seems to work toward further alienation. This notion of “site”, which reemerged in many threads of contemporary discourses (“the plot”, “the platform”, “the Stack” …), will be discussed both as a tool to unlock contemporary political dead ends and as a hinge in a revised history of the relations between art and rationality.”