Contemporary And – FR

Mercredi 30 novembre 2022, 18h
Yvette Mutumba
Offline: 2 route des Franchises, 1203 Genève, 5th Floor, room 5.14
Online: ici

Image: Contemporary And Print Issues. Credit: Florian Bong-Kil Grosse

During the public seminar Yvette Mutumba will talk about her work with Contemporary And (C&). C& is a platform for debates and information on contemporary art from Africa and the Global Diaspora. Mutumba will highlight and discuss the issues, challenges, advantages and disadvantages of running the mainly digital platform, which includes questions such as: What are the possibilities for gaining access to and information about art scenes outside so-called centers such as Berlin, New York or London? What can be the notions, methodologies and projects to reflect on the complexities of art histories and scenes in an accessible way? Which strategies could create counter-institutions and define parallel narratives in cultural discourses? Is there a way to truly “speak global”?