6 Jan. 2016


Luke Skrebowski on Plastic Words and Counter-Production

→ Bâtiment Boulevard Helvétique

Luke Skrebowski is Fellow and Director of Studies in History of Art at Churchill College, University of Cambridge. Luke’s research and teaching focus on the history and theory of late modern and contemporary art with a particular focus on Conceptual art and its legacies. He is currently completing a book entitled The Politics of Anti-Aesthetics: Contesting Conceptual Art and is co-editor of Aesthetics and Contemporary Art, (Sternberg Press, 2011). His writing has appeared in journals including Art History, Grey Room, Manifesta Journal, Tate Papers, Third Text, as well as in numerous anthologies and exhibition catalogues including recent essays on Anthony McCall and Trevor Paglen.

Introduction by Mai-Thu Perret, artist and teacher at HEAD – Genève.

In the framework of the program Work.Master. Contemporary Artistic Practices.