Shkrepëtima (The Lightning)

mardi 8 janvier 2019, 17h00

8 janvier 2019
17.00h – salle R10 Bâtiment D, Boulevard James Fazy

Shkrepëtima (The Lightning)

Petrit Halilaj in conversation with Elise Lammer

Shkrepëtima is the title of a large-scale performance that the artist Petrit Halilaj (born in 1986 in Runik, lives in Berlin) developed in Runik, the Kosovar town where he grew up. Fleeing the ethnical conflict which took place in Kosovo between 1998-99, Halilaj has since then lived in Italy and Berlin, where he is currently based. Halilaj often works with elements of his own biography in an attempt to rebuild a sense of identity, for himself, but also for his country, whose status is not yet fully accepted by the European community. Halilaj has slowly unearthed Runik’s past through the oral memories of its inhabitants and gleaned scattered information, and adapted it into a play that was launched in Runik last summer and has since then been adapted at Fondazione Merz in Turin and Paul Klee Zentrum in Bern.