The Mur de la Treille (French for « wall of vines »), one of eight sanctuary walls in the Canton of Geneva, is thought to have been built in the 15th century. Over time, humus has developed on the 90-meter-long wall and in its crevices, providing a foundation for mosses and lichens. This in turn has created a rich terrain for many insects and flowering plants. + plus Researchers have counted 149 species living in and on the wall: 85 species of insects, 16 species of mushrooms (some of them lichens), 16 species of mosses, six species of birds, one species of lizard, two species of ferns, six species of mollusks, and 15 species of flowering plants. With this mass of biodiversity, the wall won a Swiss Systematics Society contest in 2010, which looked for the wall with the highest diversity of living species in the country.