Worlding Global Art and Blackness: some speculative openings – FR

Mercredi 1 mars 2023, 17h30
Worlding Global Art and Blackness: some speculative openings
Paul Goodwin
Offline: 2 route des Franchises, 1203 Genève, 5th Floor, room 5.14
Online: ici

“This seminar will delve into some ongoing research and curatorial projects I am undertaking focussing on rethinking methodologies of art and globalisation with parallel work on the limits of ‘Black art’. The session will draw on some investigations from the Worlding Public Cultures international research project that explores ways in which museums and universities can think through critical alternatives to dominant neoliberal and top-down narratives of globalisation. Much of my thinking in this project has been informed by my practice and thinking as a curator and researcher of diasporic Black art practices in dialogue with critical Black study. The seminar will elucidate some speculative lines of inquiry that connect discourses of ‘worlding’ with debates in Black study in order to open up new possibilities for thinking the ‘global’ and ‘blackness’ in critical relation.”